Alarm Functions

Alarm functions allow you to manage alarms on the inSCADA platform with script/expression. With these functions you can start, stop and check the status of alarms.

Get Alarm Status

ins.getAlarmStatus(String alarmName)

Provides information about the status of an alarm.

alarmName: The alarm name.

Return Value: Returns a string message about the status of the alarm.


var status=ins.getAlarmStatus("ALM_01");
if (status==="Active") {
    ins.notify("info","ALM_01","ALM_01 is Active");

Activate Alarm

ins.activateAlarm(String alarmName)

Activates the alarm.

alarmName: The alarm name.

Return Value: Does not return any value.



Deactivate Alarm

ins.deactivateAlarm(String alarmName)

Deactivates the alarm.

alarmName: The alarm name.

Return Value: Does not return any value.



Get a Alarm

ins.getLastFiredAlarm(Integer index)

Returns an alarm according to the index number of alarms that have turned ON.

index: Indicates the order in which the ON alarm arrives.

Return Value: Returns a JSON Alarm object.


var alm_01=ins.getLastFiredAlarm(0);
if (alm_01!==null) {
    return" "+alm.status;
return -1;

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