Control Panel

In inSCADA platform, control panel is the screen where connection, alarm, script statuses, and variable values are observed and controlled. On this screen you can start and stop connections, activate/deactivate alarms, schedule and stop scripts. You can also change the variable values.

As shown in Figure 1, the Connection-Device-Frame-Variables section at the top is linked to each other as master-detail. As soon as the user selects the connection, the Device-Frame-Variables panels associated with the selected connection are automatically updated and corresponding records are displayed. The Alarms and Scripts panels just below it show all alarms and scripts.


As shown in Figure 2, you can start and stop the selected connection with the Refresh, Start, Stop buttons at the top of the connections panel, and click the Refresh button to update the status information. The Connected statement and status icon on the connections are automatically updated according to the status of the connection.

As shown in Figure 3, the communication protocol information of our device is displayed as "Modbus TCP Slave" on the device panel. At the same time, the Frame panel shows the Frames in the corresponding device. Regarding frames, Start Address, End Address, Quantity and Type information provide information about defined frames.

The Variables panel displays the selected variables in the Frame. The Variables tab also shows the Type, Value, and the latest update time. The edit icons on the variables allow the user to change the value of the corresponding variable.


In Figure 4, we see the alarms defined in the Alarm panel and their active/inactive states. You can activate /deactivate alarms with Refresh, Start, Stop, and Settings buttons on the alarm control panel.

In the Script panel, you can see the Scheduled-Not Scheduled status of the scripts. You can change the status of the scripts with Refresh, Start, Stop buttons at the top right of the panel.

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