
The Rotate animation allows an object to be rotated by the midpoint as an offset.

Rotate - Expression

As shown in Figure 1, we have the Math.random () function to rotate the object from its midpoint according to a random value that we generate on a selected object.

Figure 1 shows the min-max values on the right-hand form. In summary, the 0 degree angle corresponds to the min value and the 360 degree angle corresponds to the max value. In the example given above, the expression results between 0-100 and the object will rotate in the angle range of 0 to 360 degrees.

Rotate - Tag

As shown in Figure 2, we can rotate-tag an object according to the selected variable value without writing code.

In the rotate-tag form of Figure 2;

  • Variable : The variable to which we want to associate the Rotate animation

  • Default Value : The angular position we want to display when the variable value of the object cannot be read or there is no communication. (For example, for 0, 0 degrees of angular position)

  • Min-Max : Min refers to the angular position of 0 degrees, Max refers to the angular position of 360 degrees.

The Rotate animation allows only an object to be rotated from its midpoint. This may seem restrictive at first glance. However, you can get different rotation animations with a few techniques that you can apply during the drawing phase of the object you want to apply the rotate animation. The gauge objects in Figure 3 can be made with the Rotate animation.

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