Trend Graphics

Trend Graphs is the screen that you define under projects, where you can review trends in real time or retrospectively.

As shown in Figure 1, we see the Trend Graph of the trend variable in the middle of the picture. In the grid below, we see the following values of the variables in the selected time period;

  • Min

  • Max

  • Avg

  • Sum

  • Count

  • First

  • Last

  • Integral

  • Max Difference.

Through the settings form on the right side, we can change the view and filter parameters of the graph and change the appearance of our graph.

Trend Settings


The project is selected.

The defined trend is selected for the project.


In Live On, the data is received from the communication channel and monitored in real time. In the case of Live Off, historical data are retrieved from the database and monitored.

Start Date

It is active in Live Off state. This is the start time of the data you want to retrieve from the database.

End Date

It is active in Live Off state. The end time of the data you want to fetch from the database.

Interval (Seconds)

It is active in Live Off state. This is the period during which the data you want to retrieve from the database is sampled from the database when it is displayed. Minimum 1 sec. Your data may have been sampled in less than 1 second in your database. inSCADA shows the relevant data in 1 sec. groups and displays the average of the group. This means that it is unlikely that you will be able to monitor data for a 1-year interval with a 1-second interval. Bringing millions of data to the screen and the resulting graphics will not make much sense. Therefore, you can optimize your queries by changing the interval value.

Using the tools on the trend screen, you can export your data to a printer or even print to a PDF file. Don't forget to try the tools on the screen with your mouse for detailed analysis. (Such as Zoom and Span settings).

You can also use the Variable History section for more detailed analysis of the data in your database.

If you need a BI tool, you should check out inSCADA Enterprise.

Last updated