Variable History

On the Variable History screen, you can filter the historical records of your variables from the database. From the filter screen on the right side, you can select the desired variables with Project-> Connection-> Device-> Frame-> Variables parameters and set a date range from the date range section.

inSCADA shows all data in the database according to the parameters entered in the filter screen as timestamped on a grid screen as shown in the following figure.

The Type parameter on the filter screen determines the period in which the data will be retrieved from the database. Options;

  • Usual : Retrieves all data from the database in the relevant date range without grouping.

  • Hourly veya Daily : Retrieves the data in the database in groups of one hour or one day by taking the start datetime as offset in the relevant date range. You can see the min, max, avg, last, first, max diff, integral and count calculations of the grouped data in your grid.

Variable History Hourly

When you look at the figure above, you will see that the date ranges are progressed in one hour steps from the start time.

Variable History Daily

If you look at the figure above, you will see that the date ranges are progressed in one-day steps from the start time.

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