Device Library

The inSCADA platform contains a library of your connected devices. With this library, you don't need to re-create Device, Frame and Variable for the same devices you use in your projects. All you have to do is select a device from the device library and select which connection you want to connect to.

As shown in Figure 1, you can add, edit and delete templates by using the buttons on the upper part of your devices in accordance with the communication architecture of the inSCADA platform. The grids that you see on the screen are connected to each other as master-detail in the Device-Frame-Variables hierarchy.

Device Template Add/Edit Form

The form opened to create a device template is similar to the device add/edit form that we have examined in the Development->Device section. Therefore, the form can change dynamically according to the selected protocol. Please refer to the Communication Protocols section for the settings to be made according to the protocol you want to use.

As shown in Figure 2, we create the device template by entering the desired parameters on the form.


Device name.


A descriptive description of the device.


Protocol to be used in communication with the device.

Device Properties

The settings in this tab are the parameters required for using device templates with Wizards. Please see Wizards->Gas Metering for more information.

Frame Template Add/Edit Form

The form opened to create a frame template is similar to the frame add / edit form we examined in the Development-Device-Frame section. Therefore, the form can change dynamically according to the selected protocol. Please refer to the Communication Protocols section for the settings to be made according to the protocol you want to use.

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